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ElectroMenu® is the only digital menu, marketing, and advertising system  designed specifically for your individual needs and unique style. A powerful yet easy to use set of design tools are built into the product, making it beautifully simple to use and dependable. Best of all it has been proven to increase walk-in purchases by 10% or more. You can strongly influence your customers by means of a vivid, animated, high resolution display of your products and promotions. Create amazing looking digital menus, advertising or event boards in minutes, change items and pricing in seconds. It's so smart, it almost designs itself !

QSR Digital Menus

ElectroMenu® is the answer for moving virtually any Quick Service or Fast Casual Restaurant into tomorrow, today. In the case of restaurants where the customer places their order to the employee behind the counter, a number of disjointed advertising and communicative methods are used. Hard plastic signage dimly promotes menu offerings; these have to be changed strip by strip, whenever a new menu comes out, or when a new item is released.​

Flimsy paper placards, dusty cardboard cutouts and vinyl banners hanging limply outside the washrooms are other common techniques. ElectroMenu® replaces this Tsunami of scotch tape with animated Digital Menu Boards. Always show guests delicious desserts, vivid entrees and delectable promotions. Our product always remembers to up-sell the customer, taking the process out of the hands of the employees. This guarantees promotions and messages are delivered correctly, every time, to the customer.

ElectroMenu® updates automatically and is pre-programmed to stop and start promotions based on time of day, seasonal availability and regional location. Prices and nutritional information can be clearly displayed at regulation size (where required). ElectroMenu® also gives your store a sophisticated WOW factor that the competition can't touch, because it is uniquely your brand image. A powerful yet easy to use set of design tools are built right into our product. Each system is custom designed to your business needs and when you need to make changes, YOU make them with the click of the mouse.


  • ​Increase sales per customer by up and cross-selling

  • Attract customers with eye-catching, powerful  images, tickers, animations and special effects

  • Influence customer purchases by promoting specials

  • Easily add, edit, and delete items, prices and schedules

  • Eliminate costly printing and delays

  • Improve communication with your customers

  • Manage one or multiple locations from your home/office

Return On Investment

Digital Menu ROI
  • ​ElectroMenu® attracts 10x more attention than a traditional menu board​​
  • ​ElectroMenu® creates a "time warp effect" that reduces perceived wait times
  • 40-70% of QSR purchases are unplanned or impulse based giving digital menus unlimited up-selling and suggestive selling opportunities​
  • ElectroMenu® is easy to use.... just DREAM-DESIGN-DISPLAY​
  • ElectroMenu® can achieve double and triple digit sales lift on featured items​
  • Pays for itself in an average of 7-12 months

© 2025 ElectroVue LLC

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